The Rockhampton Golf Club has male, female, student and junior membership categories. Male and female members have equal voting rights. Membership is open in all categories. Country member is available if you live more than 60km from the course. There is no provisional or midweek membership options available.
The Rockhampton Veteran Golfing Association is affiliated with the main club and eligible to all members 55 years + for a $10 joining fee. The "Vets" have a full golfing and social calendar with many organised events and trips. The Thursday Club is affiliated with the main club and open for membership.

Full Membership
Pro-rata with subscriptions from the 1st April - 30 March and includes insurance and golf link fees.
Over 65 years
For anyone aged between 65 and 79, you are eligible to receive a $50 discount on your full membership.
Husband + Wife
If you are a husband and wife looking for a full membership, you will receive a $50 discount each.
Country Membership
This membership is for 12 months, and is available to golfers whose principle place of residence is outside of the Rockhampton region. A driver's licence, or other proof of address, is required at application.
Intermediate/University Student
This membership is for 12 months, calculated on a pro-rata basis. Student membership is eligible for full time tertiary students 25 years and under. A student card must be shown when joining.
Over 80 Membership
For anyone aged 80 years or older, you are eligible to receive a discounted membership, on application only.
Junior $300
Sub-Junior $150
Junior Membership
Sub-Juniors aged 13 years or less start at $150, with additional fees to the junior club to cover uniforms and competitions. Juniors aged 13 to 18 years start at $300.
Fees can be paid monthly using Easypay. Contact us today for more details.